Hankook Taekwondo is a friendly and all-inclusive organization. We pride ourselves on welcoming pupils of all levels from beginner to advanced members. The Hankook Taekwondo was established in Edmonton over 36 years ago. Over those years many hundreds of students have trained at the club with many going on to obtain their Black Belts and establish their own clubs throughout the country. The club has also had many students compete in various competitions (both Taekwondo and all styles of Martial Arts) throughout the years and all over the globe, and can boast Canada, Korea, and World Champions. The club currently has students of all ages (ranging from 5 years old to people in their late 50’s), genders and abilities, including various family groups. We are volunteers armed with one of the greatest spiritual heritages of Korea, “the Taekwondo Spirit,” and they work worldwide with the values of that spirit to spread peace.
We look forward to a world where every child experiences Jesus’ promise of life in all its fullness. Where they are protected, cared for and given the opportunities to become all God meant them to be. Where they grow strong in communities free of need and full of promise. Where families are valued, creation preserved and the most vulnerable live in security and confidence. Where they become responsible citizens of well-led nations. Where peace and justice reign and all have the right to contribute. Where they flourish in a world where the treasure of our hearts and the measure of our wealth is the happiness and well-being of all children. In such a world, we all taste the joy of the Kingdom of Heaven.
• Faithful messengers of God’s love
• Trusted partners in lasting change
• Powerful motivators of caring
• Courageous promoters of justice and peace
• Inspiring models of co-operation
*Our vision inspired by and based on John 10:10: “I have come that you might have life, life in all its fullness.”

